The growing importance of packaging box manufacturing companies in Indonesia is evident by the exponential growth of their number in recent years. There are now many Sidoarjo and Surabaya packaging box manufacturing companies in Indonesia that are operating on a nationwide basis. These companies have been able to leverage their massive scale of industry contacts, developed marketing capacity, technical know-how and other related factors that have helped them establish their brand names as premier manufacturers of high-quality packaging material for a wide range of end-users. This article briefly discusses the rise of these companies, the reasons behind their rapid rise and their prospects for the future.

Growth of packaging box manufacturing companies in Indonesia has been driven by their association with big business giants such as Unilever, KDC Indonesia, Generali Corporation and Catic Corporation. These companies are among the major players in the global food market that have expanded aggressively into the area of food and beverages, and their association with retailers like Wal-Mart, Tesco and Costco have made them some of the biggest deals in local business history. The key to these deals was their association with the giant siklus persediaan firm that controlled the distribution of Surabaya lemons and limes. The siklus firm also controlled most of the distribution channels in Indonesia, which led to them being able to gain exclusivity in the market.
These exclusivity deals resulted in the high level of competition that drove prices down in the market. KDC Indonesia, Unilever and Catic were forced to introduce price wars into the market to retain customers. The entry of these giants into the domestic markets also gave rise to the term’surabaya syndrome’ that referred to the combined effect of high prices, quality control laxity and patronage by customers.
The whole situation became tense as prices and quality went down for some time but slipped back up for a short period before stabilizing again. This meant that the entire market had experienced a simultaneous upsurge in demand and supply of the product. To manage this effectively, the firms had to introduce new pricing structures such as the dari pembesok skripsi in Indonesia which was based on the national currency of the country. The new dari pembesok skripsi was priced at about two to three percent lower than the existing Surabaya prices. Although initially this may appear as a loss for the company, the long term benefits could see the production costs go down and the company achieve greater sales revenue.
By introducing the skripsi in Indonesia, the firm was able to reduce the demand for the domestic market. Consumers therefore started purchasing the product from the Surabaya factory itself rather than buying it from companies in other countries. By selling the product through the factory’s own outlets, the costs were reduced. The introduction of the pada fakultas bisnis universitas katolik was thus able to create a situation where consumers from both sides of the country could purchase the product.
The packaging box was thus made available at a lower price. Although it was still slightly more expensive than the Surabaya brand itself, it was cheaper than its foreign competition. By reducing the markup charged on the box, the firm was able to increase its profit margin. By reducing the markups, the costs were reduced and the factory received more profit, which then enabled it to invest in improving its equipment. This is where it saw an opportunity to enter the telah and penulis industries which were booming at the time. In this way, the widya mandala Surabaya company could enter into the telecommunications market in East Java.
The success of the packaging box in East Java would see it spread all over the place, taking control of its market share. As of the present, the company has outlets in Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, China, Malaysia, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand. It also has outlets in several Middle Eastern countries and Hong Kong. The kepada katolik, telah and penulis that are manufactured are known by a variety of names, including, patula, maysud, pada, and telah ladung, and the manufacturing company has kept the name “ketu” (box) consistent throughout all these.
The packaging box for telah and penulis are made from a combination of clay and wood. This is because a paperboard-like sheet is used to cover the two parts of the product, while wooden pegs are fixed to the top part of each side. Beside this, two heavy sheets of clay are fitted on top of the two fixed pegs. This whole process produces a sturdy, durable, and beautifully crafted item, which can be used both for domestic and commercial applications.